Website Revamp
As you will have seen my website has been updated. I needed a fresh look after having the same one for the best part of 5 years. New pictures, easier to navigate around, and this shiny new blog as well. My penchant for rubber has been given much more prominence, and the blog allows me to inform clients of any new added fun toys or services I am now offering.
Thanks must go to Dene at Instinctive Media. He has been designing websites for me now for probably 5-7 years and always comes up with the right look. Him and Mr. Zena get their heads together, decide what would work best, I pick the photos and Dene does his magic. I really can not recommend him enough. If you are in need of a new site, or a fancy blog like the one I have here, give him a ring. He also does my CEO, just google Nottingham Dominatrix, that is how good he is.