Old friend passed away
You may have read in the papers lately of the gentleman who passed away in Belgium after a BDSM session. Well he was one of my clients and indeed I considered him a friend as well. He first visited me this time last year and his chosen fetish was breath play which he enjoyed very much. Since then he has seen me several times for quite long sessions, sometimes up to 4 hours. Over that period of time we became very close with him placing his total trust in my abilities. He was a sweet, kind and gentle man who wanted nothing more than to fulfill his dreams. His is the email testimonial that is on my profile but for the benefit of those of you that haven’t read it, I have copied it below.
Dear Mistress Zena
In a world where people only ever seem to complain never congratulate , i just thought i should put down in writing a very big thank you for a truly great session, You looked truly superb in your pink latex and i have to say that you displayed in my opinion just the right amount of tenderness for the level of pain being metered out which in itself is a very difficult balancing act. I loved the breath control and i want to build on that in the future. I will not bore you with a really long epistle , but you really pushed my buttons and i am looking forward to our next session which will i hope be 3 to 4 hours ………with your permission of course!!!!! I look forward to seeing you at the next B+B you are truly gorgeous ……enough said.
Well in that email you can see what kind of person he was. Always exploring new boundries, but we always had safety first in mind. He will be sadly missed.